Dries Berings, Styn Grieten, Frank Lambrechts & Hans De Witte 

In: Gedrag & Organisatie, 21, 493-517.


The present study investigated in a sample of 284 employees of a medium-sized college in Flanders how work values and facets of job satisfaction are related to the attitude to change. Nine facets of job satisfaction explain 21% of the variance in the attitude to change. Eleven work values explain 13%. Comparison of personnel categories reveals that the attitude to change is related to sex, age and job content. Multiple regression analysis shows that satisfaction with participation, job content (lecturers versus non-lecturers) and satisfaction with students have the most unique predictive value in respect to the attitude to change. Analyses for each type of innovation separately resulted in divergent models with different work values and facets of job satisfaction as predictors.